Nebula [Licensing] - Transfer used Licenses to other devices

This step by step guide shows how to transfer the device licenses in the Nebula License 2.0 schema. In this new license implementation, the license is bound to the device and can be transferred from one device to another in case of an RMA, or if a license key was incorrectly assigned to the wrong device and make your Pro Organization enter a grace period as depicted below.



1. What does License transfer do and what are the limitations?

2. Identify the devices involved in the transfer

3. Select the license and execute the transfer

4. Verifying the transfer



1. What does License transfer do and what are the limitations?

License transfer moves the unused licenses linked to a device to another device. The devices can be in the same organization or in a different organization. The devices must have the same owner. 

Bundled, Trial, and Promotion licenses cannot be transferred.

The following is the table to show the action(s) that can be done for each License status. For more information about the license status check the article How to use License Wizard in Nebula to assign and unassing licenses


Q1. If I had a mistake to assign the license to a device and the license is in active/queued status, can I undo assign?
Ans: No, "Undo assign" can only apply to inactive license. The user can choose "Transfer license" to transfer it to the correct device, as shown in the coming example below.

Q2. I have already transferred license to a device which license is expired, why my organization is still in grace period or Base organization?
Ans: Please check if all devices in the organization have enough license, if yes, please go to overview tab and click the upgrade button.

2.  Identify the devices involved in the transfer

It is possible to transfer the NCC PRO/PLUS license between devices by going to

Organization-wide > License & inventory

Both "Device" and "License" tabs have the action to transfer the license. You might first identify the device that has the license that you need to transfer and the device that doesn't have a license yet. Make use of the filter tools for a quicker search

Device tab:


As in the picture above, the switch with MAC address 20:06:29:11:06:D3 doesn't have a PRO license, while the switch with MAC address 20:06:29:11:06:D4 has actually two licenses, one of it being added incorrectly.

3. Select the license and execute the transfer

After clicking on the "Transfer license", the License transfer box will appear, choose the license and "Select" to choose the organization and the specific device which is the target to transfer the license.


Note that only Licenses with the status "Active" or "Queued" can be transferred to another device. In case a device has both activated and queued licenses, it's recommended to transfer the queued license as this one hasn't started to be consumed yet. 

To reuse a license that is not yet activated, please take a look at this other article that covers the "unassign" process.

How to use License Wizard in Nebula to assign and unassing licenses



You can check if the target device is correct, and then click on the "OK" button to transfer the license.


A similar process can be done from the License Tab, identify the license you want to transfer and then hit the Transfer license button.


Note: you might transfer licenses to a device in another organization that is also own by the same account owner.


4.Verifying the transfer
The organization is now upgraded to PRO pack and the license was successfully transferred to switch MAC: 20:06:29:11:06:D3.


The Device tab and License tab now show the license is correctly assigned to the switch and now its status is "Active" as the Organization has been upgraded to PRO and hence the license is counting down.









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