How to set up a hardware ZyWALL USG series gateway to connect to the Internet when authorization is not used, and the provider only issued a global static IP address and a DNS server address?
Connect to the web configurator of the ZyWALL USG hardware gateway. Configure the static IP address in Configuration> Network> Interface> Ethernet , and configure the DNS server in Configuration> System> DNS .
In ZyWALL USG, it is possible to configure MAC address cloning if there is a MAC address binding in the provider's network (the provider requires a specific MAC address in order to provide access to the Internet).
Let's take a closer look at setting up the ZyWALL USG hardware gateway to connect to the Internet when using a static IP address.
1. Go to Configuration> Network> Interface> Ethernet to configure a static IP address on the device's WAN interface (click on the WAN interface configuration entry and then click Edit ).
- In the Edit Ethernet window that will open, in the IP Address Assignment section, install Use Fixed IP Address .
- In the IP Address field, enter the static IP address provided by the provider, in the Subnet Mask field the subnet mask and in the Gateway field the IP address of the gateway.
- Click OK to save the settings.
Make sure that the Enable Default SNAT option is enabled in the Configuration> Network> Interface> Trunk menu (to provide users of the local network with internal IP addresses from accessing the Internet). To display this option in the upper left corner, click Show Advanced Settings . By default, the Enable Default SNAT parameter is enabled.
2. To configure the IP address of the DNS server, go to System> DNS.
- In the Domain Zone Forwarder section, click Add to create a new entry.
- In the Domain Zone field, you can specify a domain zone. For example, is the domain zone for the domain name Enter the symbol * (asterisk) if all the domain zones are serviced by a DNS server.
- In the Public DNS Server field, enter the IP address of the DNS server (the value cannot be used).
- Click OK to save the settings.
3. If there is a MAC address binding in the provider's network (the provider requires a specific MAC address to provide access to the Internet), configure the MAC address cloning in the ZyWALL USG.
- Go to Configuration> Network> Interface> Ethernet to configure a static IP address on the device's WAN interface (click on the WAN interface configuration entry and then click Edit ).
- In the Edit Ethernet window that opens , in the upper left corner, click Show Advanced Settings to display additional options.
- In the MAC Address Setting section that appears, set the value to Overwrite Default MAC Address and then click the Clone by host button.
- In the Clone MAC Address window, specify the IP address of the computer from which you want to clone the MAC address in order to replace the MAC address of the hardware gateway (used by default) with the specified MAC address of the network adapter on the WAN interface.
- Click OK to continue. Then you will see that the MAC address of the network adapter of the computer (in our example using the IP address has been added to the Overwrite Default MAC Address field.
It is with this MAC address that the ZyWALL USG hardware gateway will replace its own (default) MAC address.
- Click OK to save the settings.
Afterwards, to check the connection from the computer on the local network, ping to the IP address of the DNS server and
The computer must first be connected to the LAN ports of the hardware gateway and, by default, automatically obtain a DHCP IP address from the device.
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