Download Firmware from MyZyxel for your Security device (FLEX, ATP, USG, VPN, ZYWALL)

This article will show you how to download the latest firmware versions for your Product easily. It´s important to keep products up to date to avoid issues, protect them from security risks, and have the latest feature set on hand.

Our devices usually use the "Cloud Function" to automatically install a Firmware Upgrade, but you may want to maintain the device manually.

In that case, you can download the last 2-3 versions from Download Library.

Download Library

Go to Download Library and enter your device model in the search field

Click on the “Download” button next to the device you are interested in



Navigate to the left Site -> Devices Management -> Firmware Download



Step 3: Choose & Download

Now you can select from Dropdown your device and download the last 3 available versions.


That is all. You can now manually upgrade your device with one of these firmware versions!

In case you need older versions please go to this article:
Security Products - Firmware History Overview (FLEX, ATP, USG, VPN, ZYWALL)

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