Switch - Configure Broadcast Storm Control [Stand-alone mode]

To protect your network from congestion by broadcast floods, you have to set up broadcast storm control. This tutorial will showcase how to set this up!


Walkthrough Steps

1. Access your device by entering its IP address in the browser address line and login by using the device’s credential



2. Navigate to:

SECURITY > ACL > Storm Control

Old GUI ---> Advanced Application > Broadcast Storm Control.


Activate Broadcast Storm Control here and type in a value as to how many packets of the corresponding types should be allowed per port

Broadcast (pkt/s) - How many broadcast packets are allowed per second

Multicast (pkt/s) - How many multicast packets are allowed per second

DLF (pks/s) - How many destination lookup failure (DLF) packets are allowed per second


To get the right values here, monitoring the general traffic would be a good idea as setting this value too low would cause network problems.

Start with 100 packets per second (pkt/s) and then go down to 80 pkt/s if you're still having problems. Then 70 pks/s.


Otherwise, you can take a look at this article on how to resolve and troubleshoot broadcast and multicast storm issues: 

Switching - Troubleshooting Multicast & Broadcast Storms



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