This article shows how to configure L2TP over IPSec in Standalone mode for USG FLEX / ATP / VPN Series and how to configure the Wizard, download the configuration, configuring L2TP manually using VPN gateway & connection menu, What to allow in the firewall rules, how to enable internet access for L2TP (no internet), restoring default configuration, setting up VPN users, establish a VPN from LAN, using external servers to authenticate users, troubleshoot using logs, configure MS-CHAPv2.
Table of Content
1. Configure L2TP VPN using built-in Wizard
1.2 Select the L2TP over IPSec Client Scenario
1.3 Configure VPN Configuration
1.4 Configure User Authentication
1.5 Save the Configuration & Download L2TP Configuration
2) Setting up the L2TP/IPSec VPN manually
2.3 Configure L2TP VPN Settings
2.4 Summarize the L2TP Settings
3) Must-Have Configurations
3.1 Allow UDP ports 4500 & 500
3.2 Enable Internet Access over L2TP via Policy Routes
4. Tips & Troubleshooting
4.1 Restoring L2TP VPN default configuration
4.2 Setting up the L2TP VPN Clients
4.3 Advanced setup: Establishing an L2TP VPN from the LAN:
4.4 Advanced setup: Using external servers to authenticate users connecting to L2TP VPN
4.5 L2TP Over IPSec VPN - Virtual Lab
4.7 Configure L2TP MS-CHAPv2 on USG/Zywall Series
What is L2TP over IPSec VPN?
Before we begin with the configuration guide, let's give an introduction to the L2TP over IPSec VPN.
L2TP over IPSec combines the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP, which provide a point-to-point connection) with the IPSec protocol. L2TP alone does not provide any encryption of content, and hence the tunnel it's commonly built over a Layer 3 encryption protocol IPsec, having as result the so-called L2TP over IPSec VPN.
In this handbook you can explore all the information needed for L2TP VPN connections in the Zyxel Firewall devices, exploring the configuration methods (via the wizard and manually), the client setup for Windows, MAC and Linux; as well as more advanced setups for authentication, different topologies and troubleshooting on the Firewall devices and the client devices. Virtual lab access is also defined where it's possible to review our setup which can also be used when setting up the remote VPN in your device.
1. Configure L2TP VPN using built-in Wizard
1.1 Navigate to the Wizard
a. Open the Quick Setup Tab and in the pop-up window, select Remote Access VPN Setup:
1.2 Select the L2TP over IPSec Client Scenario
1.3 Configure VPN Configuration
Enter a preferred Pre-Shared Key and select the corresponding WAN interface.
1.4 Configure User Authentication
1.5 Save the Configuration & Download L2TP Configuration
Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control
2) Setting up the L2TP/IPSec VPN manually
The following describes the steps needed to manually configure an L2TP over IPSec VPN. The topology and application are the same as when using the Wizard, the only difference are the steps in the configuration.
2.1 Configure VPN Gateway
Go to the following path and create a new VPN Gateway:
Configuration > VPN > IPSEC VPN > VPN Gateway
Please press on "Show Advanced Settings". Enter a name for the gateway, choose your WAN interface and add a pre-shared key:
Set the Negotiation Mode to Main and add the following (common) proposals and confirm by clicking OK:
2.2 Configure VPN Connection
Go to the following path and create a new VPN Connection:
Configuration > VPN > IPSec VPN > VPN Connection
Please press on "Show Advanced Settings". Enter a name of the connection, set the Application Scenario to Remote Access (Server Role) and select the VPN Gateway you created before:
For the Local Policy, create a new IPv4 Address Object (from the "Create New Object" button) for your real WAN IP and then set it to the VPN Connection as Local Policy:
Set the Encapsulation to Transport and add the following proposals and confirm by clicking OK:
2.3 Configure L2TP VPN Settings
Now that the IPSec settings are done, the L2TP settings need to be set up. Go to the following path:
Configuration -> VPN -> L2TP VPN Settings
If needed, create a new local user(s) that will be allowed to connect to the VPN:
Create an L2TP IP address pool with a range of IP addresses that should be used by the clients while connected to the L2TP/IPSec VPN.
Note: This should not conflict with any WAN, LAN, DMZ or WLAN Subnets, even when they are not in use.
2.4 Summarize the L2TP Settings
Now let's set the L2TP settings:
- Set the VPN Connection created in 2.2 Configure VPN Connection
- An IP Address Pool you can set the L2TP IP range object
- The Authentication Method can be set as default for local user authentication
- The Allowed users can be set for the user. If multiple users are needed, a group of users can be created on the Object page.
- The DNS server(s)and WINS server can be selected to be the Firewall device itself (Zywall) or a customized server IP address.
- In case of internet access is needed through the Firewall device while connected to the L2TP/IPSec VPN, make sure the option "Allow Traffic Through WAN Zone" is enabled.
- Click on "Apply" to save the settings. With this, the L2TP/IPSec VPN as such is now ready.
3) Must-Have Configurations
3.1 Allow UDP ports 4500 & 500
Make sure the firewall rules allow access for ports UDP 4500 and 500 from WAN to Zywall, and that the default Zone IPSec_VPN has access to the network resources. This can be verified in:
Configuration > Security Policy > Policy Control
3.2 Enable Internet Access over L2TP via Policy Routes
If some of the traffic from the L2TP clients need to go to the internet, create a policy route to send traffic from the L2TP tunnels out through a WAN trunk.
Configuration > Network > Routing > Policy Route
Set Incoming to Tunnel and select your L2TP VPN connection. Set the Source Address to be the L2TP address pool. Set the Next-Hop Type to Trunk and select the appropriate WAN trunk.
For more details on this step, please check the article:
How to let L2TP clients surf via USG
4. Tips & Troubleshooting
4.1 Restoring L2TP VPN default configuration
In some cases, it might be needed to give a fresh start to your L2TP VPN settings in the page:
Configuration > VPN > L2TP VPN
When needed, use the following article the describes the methods to bring the default settings back.
ZyWALL USG: Restore VPN-L2TP Default Configuration
4.2 Setting up the L2TP VPN Clients
L2TP over IPSec is very popular and commonly supported by many end devices platforms with their own built-in clients.
Here are some of the most common ones and how to set them up:
4.3 Advanced setup: Establishing an L2TP VPN from the LAN:
The VPN is a popular function for encrypting packets when transmitting data.
In ZyWALL/USG/ATP’s current design, when the VPN interface is based on WAN1 interface, VPN request must come from WAN1 interface (interface restricted), otherwise, the request will be denied. (e.g. VPN connection came from LAN1)
However, in some scenarios, users may need to establish the VPN tunnel from not only the WAN but also LAN.
This scenario is also supported by ZyWALL/USG/ATP. Users can follow the operating procedure below to turn off the VPN interface restriction so that the VPN connection can come from both the WAN/LAN afterwards.
USG Firmware Version:
4.32 or above
USG configuration:
To enable L2TP from LAN, you need to access your device with a terminal connection (Serial, Telnet, SSH) and enter the following commands:
Router> configure terminal
Router(config)# vpn-interface-restriction deactivate
Router(config)# write
Reboot device.
4.4 Advanced setup: Using external servers to authenticate users connecting to L2TP VPN
This section describes how to configure L2TP over IPSec with MS-CHAPv2 on USG/Zywall series. For advanced implementations, the user authentication with Active Directory (AD) servers can be implemented on the L2TP/IPSec VPN authentication.
AD Domain: (
1. Navigate to Configuration>Object>AAA Server. Enable Domain Authentication for MSCHAP
The credential is usually as same as AD administrator.
2. Go toSystem>Host Name,type the AD domainin Domain Name
This flow is make USG join to the AD domain. The tunnel will be only established successfully only when this part works.
3. Confirm if USG has joined the domain. Navigate to Active Directory Users and Computers>Computers
In this case, you can find the usg110 has join to domain. Also can check the detailed information in the tab Properties>Object by right click.
4. Edit Domain Zone, Put domain name in System> DNS >Domain Zone Forwarder.
Sometimes it may times out during dial-up the tunnel, so you need to configure the following setting, Query interface is where your AD server is located.
5. Check the connection settings on your Windows.
Make sure you have enabled (MS-CHAP v2) and entered pre-shared key in Advanced settings.
6. Check the login information at Monitor page>, The AD user should be on the Current User List once the tunnel is dialed-up successfully.
You can find the user type is L2TP and the user info is external user.
As further information, the following article details which are the supported authentication that are supported by our Firewalls with L2TP/IPSec VPN:
ZyWALL USG - Supported authentication over L2TP
4.5 L2TP Over IPSec VPN - Virtual Lab
Feel free to take a look at our Virtual lab for L2TP VPN setup on our Firewall devices. With this virtual lab you can take a look at the correct configuration for comparison while setting up your environment:
Virtual Lab - End-to-Site VPN (L2TP)