Zyxel VMG [Routers] - How to change LAN and DNS / DHCP settings on the VMG series

There are various scenarios where it may be necessary to modify the DNS server or IP settings on your VMG device. One common reason is to address IP conflicts, particularly for users connected via VPN. Additionally, if you have devices with static IP addresses operating on a different network subnet, adjusting the IP settings on the VMG device can be a more efficient solution than reconfiguring each device individually. Furthermore, if you're encountering slow internet speeds, changing the DNS server on your local network could potentially enhance performance.

Accessing the Web Configurator

Connect your computer to a LAN port to configure the modem/router. Use a wired connection to avoid downtime, as the device may reboot and temporarily disconnect from the network during changes. Avoid wireless for configuration.

Open your browser, and enter "". If the modem/router uses custom firmware, contact your ISP for the IP address and login credentials. The login screen will appear for administrator access. 

Enter the ZyXEL credentials:  Username: admin  and Password:1234  

For ISP-provided modems, use the credentials from your ISP. After logging in, you'll be prompted to create a new admin password. Either set a new password, click Apply, choose "No need to change password", and click Apply to keep the default.


Setup LAN on VMG

To change the VMG LAN IP, subnet mask, or DHCP settings, please hover over the Network Setting menu and select the "Home Networking" option.

To change the IP setup:

  • IP Address – Enter the desired private IP scheme (private IP address schemes include, and
  • Subnet Mask – The address mask can limit or extend the amount of IP addresses available on the network.  A subnet mask of allows for 254 usable IP addresses.
  • DHCP Server State – DHCP server capabilities can be "disabled" it you have another device on the network acting as the DHCP server.  You can also specify the IP address of the DHCP server under the "DHCP relay" setting.
  • Beginning IP Address – First IP address the DHCP server will hand out.
  • Ending IP Address – Last IP address the DHCP server can hand out.
  • DNS – By default the VMG acts as a proxy for DNS queries.  Clients connected to the network will send DNS queries to the VMG and the VMG will forward to external DNS servers.  Preferred DNS servers can be entered manually by selecting the "static" option, two DNS server entry fields will appear.  Selecting from ISP will push the DNS server settings provided by the internet service provider.
  • Click Apply to save the settings.

Setup DNS Server on VMG

  • To change the VMG DNS settings, Go to Network Settings > Home Networking.
  • Scroll down until you find the "DNS Values" Setting and set this to "Static"
  • Enter the desired DNS Server - in this example, we are using Google's DNS Server, since this has proven to be a quite fast and stable DNS Server.
DNS Server before changesDNS Server after changes

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